About the Data Defenders Forum

The Data Defenders Forum is a podcast discussing everything related to data compliance and data security. With over 70% of countries having some sort of data privacy and consumer rights legislation and the rate of sanctions going accelerating; the problem is not going away.

Yet, the topic is misunderstood and nearly not discussed enough. That's why Bart Farrell and Sylvain Kalache decided to launch the Data Defenders Forum.

If you want to be a guest on the show or sponsor an episode, get in touch.

About the Defenders

Bart Farrell

Bart is a microphone maestro🎙️; his charismatic voice, coupled with a sharp intellect make him the perfect podcast host.

His first encounter with data compliance challenges happened when he was working for a large software engineering firm. He witnessed a collective uncertainty, marked by finger-pointing when challenges arose.

Outside of his Data Defenders duties, Bart is a Cloud Native Content Creator, Event Host and the Vivacious Voice of Kube.FM.

Sylvain Kalache

With a tenacious French accent and a software engineering background🤓; Sylvain always has the right question for our guests.

While collaborating with DevSecOps startups, he realised how little the compliance topic is discussed. His writings on Financial Times Sifted and Forbes steered a lot of interest, which triggered the inception of the Forum.

Outside of his Data Defenders duties, Sylvain helps tech startups tell their story with his PR agency, Big O PR.